Alexander Korotko in Paris. Chronology of events
Alexander Korotko received an invitation from the European Academy of Sciences, Art and Literature in Paris to attend a meeting in late January dedicated to the awarding of literature awards. The Paris meetings began in the publishing house “L’Harmattan”, at the stands of which the novel of the poem “The Red Frog” is published as a novelty, translated into French, and the collection can be bought on several Internet resources. Thus, this book set off for the French readers. In addition, an offer was received from Lucy Munch, head of the publishing department of the publishing house “L’Harmattan”, to visit the Fair of Poetry in Paris on June 8 this year, and on the 9th a meeting with critics and readers is planned. On the eve of the visit to the Publishing House, Alexander Korotko was invited by an interpreter of the “Red Frog”, known in France as well as the poet Nicole Laurent-Katrice. The conversation took place in an informal atmosphere, at her house. They spoke mainly about poetry. Alexander Korotko’s name for both the translator and the publisher was a real discovery.