
  • 12.07.2024
    A new review has been added to the site
    A new review was published today in the appropriate section on the site.  Feedback was…
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  • 05.07.2024
    Oleksandr Korotko told about how to understand poetry
    On July 4, the author posted a post containing one sentence on his personal Facebook…
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  • 29.06.2024
    Retrospective: memory of Pavel Zagrebelny
    Recently, Oleksandr Korotko came across a copy of his own book, The Intervention of the…
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  • Preston
    The poetry of Alexander Korotko was performed at the University of Central Lancashire at a conference dedicated to Ukraine
    On May 23, 2024, at the University of Central Lancashire in Preston (UK), they talked…
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  • 19.04.2024
    Anna Bednarczyk translated and read Oleksandr Korotko’s poems in Polish: watch the video
    We are pleased to present you a video recorded by translator Anna Bednarczyk at the…
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  • 08.04.2024
    Dmytro Drozdovsky’s article dedicated to the collection of short stories “Bera and Cucumber” was published in Web of Sciences
    A scientific article has been published in the English journal of the database Web of…
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  • 14.03.2024
    A professor at Lodz University translated Korotko’s new poem into Polish
    Recently, the author published a new poem “Bach’s singing of the faces of war…” on…
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  • Олександр Коротко
    New videos with the author’s reading of poetry have been published on the website
    Recently, new video works have been published on the site in the Watch/Poetry section of…
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  • 29.09.2023
    The publication of Oleksandr Korotko’s military poetry in Poland has been postponed until 2024
    The latest political events, which caused a certain deterioration of relations between Ukraine and Poland,…
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  • 18.08.2023
    100 poems will be included in Oleksandr Korotko’s new book about the war “Blackout”
    Oleksandr Korotko completed work on the second book about the Russian-Ukrainian war – “Blackout”. The…
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  • 13.08.2023
    The professor of Lodz University translated Oleksandr Korotko’s book into Polish
    The translation of Oleksandr Korotko’s book Blackout into Polish has been completed. Professor Anna Bednarczyk…
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  • 09.08.2023
    The Union of Writers of China plans to translate and publish poems from Korotko’s new book
    Today it became known that the Writers’ Union of China intends to translate into Chinese…
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  • 08.08.2023
    The translation of Oleksandr Korotk’s new book “Blackout” into English is in progress
    Alexander Korotko’s new collection of poems, Blackout, is almost complete. Andrew Sheppard, editor-in-chief of the…
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  • 19.07.2023
    New considerations of the British editor Andrew Sheppard on Korotko’s poetry
    Andrew Sheppard, editor-in-chief of the British publication “East-West Review” spoke about Alexander Korotko’s poetry, which…
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  • 15.07.2023
    The Writers’ Union of Poland plans to publish Oleksandr Korotko’s book
    The Polish Writers’ Union has confirmed its intention to publish Oleksandr Korotko’s collection “War” in…
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  • 05.07.2023
    Oleksandr Korotko is working on a new novel
    On July 2, Oleksandr Korotko published an exerpt from his new novel called “Mark” on…
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