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Evening of French-Ukrainian poetry in Ivano-Frankivsk

LA GRENOUILLE ROUGE (the name of the translated book of verses by Alexander Korotko, published in Paris) – the same poetic evening, held May 5 in Ivano-Frankivsk, was also called. The venue is Intellect HUB. The list of the participants:   Alexander Korotko – poet, prose writer, academician of the European Academy of Sciences, Arts and Literature (Ukraine, Kiev), Nicole Laurent-Katris – writer, translator (France), Dmitry Chistiak – poet, prose writer, translator, associate professor of the Department of Romance Philology of Kyiv National University named by T. Shevchenko.   According to the idea of the organizers, the same poems were heard in three languages: Alexander Korotko read his poems in Russian, in the original language, Nicole Laurent-Katris translated into French, and Dmitry Chistiak in Ukrainian (in Boris Chip’s translations).   Lovers of poetry, the creative intelligentsia of Ivano-Frankivsk, warmly and with sincere gratitude welcomed the guests.   The report about this event is on the page VIDEO / Poetic evenings:

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