
Feedback on the publication of a lyric poem on Facebook

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От весны, натруженной снегами, 
робкими подснежниками зим, 
шумными базарами-ветрами, 
разогнавшими сомнений дым, – 
в тишину задумчивого гула, 
в небеса, пришедшие на ум, 
в синеву весеннего разгула, 
в заросли цветенья светлых дум.

To say that I like it- it’s to say nothing. Today for me the day began with the opening. I met, until a bit, with a piece of poetry, like a piece of my soul. To say I liked it was not the right word. I wanted to choose something else, but I’d better say so: no words, I admire, amazed by the great skill. To manage in several even lines to convey the meaning, the depth of doubts or feelings … Yes, the truth is told, the brevity is the sister of talent, yes, it’s about you. Thanks for the poems, I’m happy to make new acquaintance and knowlage.
