
How did it all start yesterday in Washington?
Someone really wanted to trample and humiliate our President.
It didn’t work!
They showed not only us, but the whole world, that there are such special people and they, like the clouds are able to obscure the sunlight from us in an amazing way.
It didn’t work!
Yesterday, President Zelensky showed how the real fortitude of an outstanding personality is manifested in dignified behaviour in unimaginably difficult situations.
It worked!
If a nation is ruled by a true leader, the strength of its people comes from its leader.
And yesterday, watching the meeting in the Oval Office of the White House, we truly felt our strength.
We did it!
Every country and every people has its time of rising.
I am deeply convinced that our time is near.
We should not only tell G-d what he should do.
The main thing is for us to do our work.
And G-d will see and do His work.
And in conclusion, I want to say that Europe and its rulers have a unique chance to avoid the final spiritual degradation, and to return to their peoples an elevated spirit.