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And again the lyrics of Alexander Korotko

This is one of the most fruitful topics in Russian poetry. Alexander’s Korotko lyrics are in the fields of philosophy, avant-garde, poetic freedom; it is incredibly imaginative and richly colored emotionally, regardless of the landscape, feelings or appeal to other forms of art – painting, music, and good photography. Recently, at the end of July, on the Main page of the site in the accompanying text in the News, we have already introduced readers to the examples of philosophical lyrics, but this poetic layer of Alexander Korotko is so large that you can access it endlessly, admiring the skill or tracing the fate of a work. Many lyric poems became songs thanks to composer Inna Pushkar, and Alexander Malinin wrote beautiful music in the rhythm of a samba to one of the best early poems on love (“Moonlight Sonata”) and then he sung it; also in the performance retrospective – the voices of Nikolai Karachentsov, Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Irina Skazina and many others. Sergey Yursky selected bright lyrics for reading from the stage and recording of the album “Along the Silence”. Lyrical poems have been translated and translated into Ukrainian, English, Hebrew, other languages, and of course, into French. Moreover, visitors of Alexander’s Korotko page on Facebook always appreciate the posts of this genre without sparing reviews. The poem “Beloved by the Sun” and poems of different years represent the poet’s love lyrics. The poetic lines cover a whole palette of feelings, from the finest shades – to a stunning passion. Love lyrics of Alexander is sensual, sincere, frank, but sublime.   Твоих губ постигаю безумие, этот южный квартал, где у времени нету забот, где уставшая жизнь у подножья Везувия отправляется вновь за любовью в поход. * * * Молчаливая робкая весть, подорожник забытых мелодий, долгой памяти алчная месть разгулялась, и утро восходит. Ты проснулась у лета в горсти и прочла шёпот листьев украдкой, солнца луч твоё тело настиг, небо тешится рыцарской схваткой. Осень божьей коровкой летит, беззащитною каплей мгновенья, и калина у дома горит, и томится в застенках варенье. Оставляю тебя на вершине земли, в тишине неподкупной и властной, уберечь мы с тобою любовь не смогли в ожидании осени красной.   On the homepage of the site are two wonderful poems: “Hand in Hand …” from early poetry and “A Date” recently written.

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