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New book by Alexander Korotko “Irrazionalismo” is on “Amazon”

On the main page of the site are two poems from the new book, the work of translating which into English and facilitating the release in Dublin (Ireland) was taken over by Anatorius Kudryavitsky, a writer that is well-known in the world of avant-garde poetry. This book is designed for English-speaking readers, sold in Europe, and recently on the “Amazon”, where, by the way, you can buy other publications of Alexander Korotko, published in the Ukrainian publishing house “Summit book”. The author, who speaks English, highly appreciated the translations of Anatoly Kudryavitsky, and hopes that cooperation with him will continue. And in the foreseeable future it is planned to release another translated poetic book, however, for ethical reasons, it is too early to call the name of the translator, the name of the book and the publisher. The book “Irrazionalismo” can be ordered here: 06X/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=Irrazionalismo&qid=1559413118&s=gateway&sr=8-4

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