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Philosophical avant-garde poetry twenty years ago

The unusual “impressionist” perception of the world around, reflected in epithets and metaphors, images and meanings has always been characteristic of Alexander Korotko. Having opened the book of poems and miniatures “The Handwriting of Dead Hands”, released two decades ago, you are surprised to find absolutely mature poems, the style of which, over the years gradually becoming more complicated, has remained the same in recent works. The poetry of the last century is on an equal footing with today’s poetry. On the main page, as always, are two poems, both of the twenties. The poems of this particular period were included in the album “Along the Silence”, which was recorded by Sergey Yursky and, much later, thanks to Alexander Herman, it found a video version. Sergey Yursky in his interview, which he gave some time after the album was released (being in one of the Israeli medical clinics), spoke of his participation in the project  of recording Alexander’s Korotko poetry. “His poetry interested at once, but how to solve it, I did not really imagine. I’m a actor, I need situation, events, characters, and there’s nothing familiar was not. I also could not explain to myself – where did it come from? I repeat – I did not know Alexander Korotko, we had only one meeting, already before the recording of the disc. And I asked only one thing: if he had some kind of tragic event in his life, some kind of sharp breakdown that determined his poetry. Alexander replied that no, it was not. That is, the source there is different. Then I worked on his poems for a long time, until the idea of the program was formed. I’m not going to explain it. I will only say that the installation of the composition belongs to me, and it was created in the hope that the mystery of Alexander Korotko will be clarified. And he is a rare poet. From his poems there is a feeling of philosophical spontaneity. The letter is easy, although he writes about things that are not obvious. I want to say that this line in modern Russian poetry is very strong. Poets of this direction, and powerful poets, are also here, in Israel, where I am now. But Alexander Korotko is by far the best of all. Therefore, I selected it and wrote it down. I really wanted to make these poems feel in the pronunciation.”

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