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Lyrics in the middle of spring – new and early

On the main page there are two lyrical poems. One is of the last, and one is the oldest. Between them are four decades and written many lyrical works of different genres and forms. Love, infinity lyrics, one line poems and singles poems – poem “Beloved of the sun”, brought to the work of Alexander Korotko depth of feelings, music, paints and certainly rich imagery with many poetic finds. Some of these poems have become beautiful songs that are included in the repertoire of famous performers: But the love that underlies every lyrical poem is not only love for a woman, people who are dear to author in blood and spirit, not only admiring the world around him, but also a deep philosophical category, inextricably linked with faith. Not without reason the poem, which is given in the end of today’s address to the site visitors, was included in the large poetic cycle “Message”, that is program for the author. ЛЮБОВЬ Слепок слов сорвался с губ и чайкой полетел за локоном ветров, за прядью облаков, и пала крепость тишины седых туманов. Исход любви был неизбежен, шёл по пустыне караван несбывшихся надежд. Не так в духовном вечном мире, здесь нет утрат, нет расставаний, есть путь наверх, к Создателю, Творцу любви, не оступиться б только.

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