
Professor Bednarchyk commented on Korotko’s poems from the new cycle
7 August 2024
Anna Bednarchyk, a professor at Lodz University and a translator of Oleksandr Korotko’s poems into Polish, received the author’s poems from the new series. In a personal correspondence with the editor and literary critic Dmytro Drozdovsky, Anna Bednarchyk wrote:

“Drogi Profesorze,

… Rozumiem, że książka zostanie opublikowana. Jaka jest szansa na dodanie tych wierszy. Są bardzo silni. To wulkan emocjonalnego wiru. Czuję w tych wierszach moc boskiego objawienia. Oczywiście przetłumaczyłbym ten duży cykl”.

We add the translation:

“Dear Professor,
… I understand that the book will be published. What are the chances of adding these poems. They are very strong. They are a volcano of emotional whirlwind. I feel the power of divine revelation in these poems. Of course I would translate this large series”.