
The book “The Lunar Boy” was published in Ukrainian
1 March 2018
This year began with the publication in the publishing house Druge dihannya of the book by Alexander Korotko “Mysyachny Khlopchik” – the original book “The Lunar Boy”, translated into Ukrainian. The translation was compiled by Vladimir Danilenko. In the design of the cover and flyleaf used the work of Svetlana Bobrova. The genre of the work is psychological prose with a detective storyline, dynamic, intriguing, with elements of mysticism. “Lunar boy” was written quite a long time ago – almost two decades ago, but it tells about the events of those same nineties, the interest to which is not weakening. Now, Ukrainian-speaking readers can fully appreciate the very history, in which love and hatred, loyalty and betrayal, life and death are intertwined. They have to answer their own questions: who is he, the Lunar boy, and why does the young woman, a talented journalist, whose name no one will ever know, tell about the events? “Male prose from a woman’s face” – you can not say more precisely.