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“The Lunar Boy” for Italian readers

For the first time, the prose of Alexander Korotko is presented to Italian readers. The translation of the story “The Lunar Boy” (Western critics consider it as a novel) was made by Annarita Tavani – Doctor of Philology, Professor of English Philology at the University of Milan, and was published as a separate publication with the assistance and participation of the Director of the House of Poetry in Como, Director of the Festival of Arts Europa in Versi, Academician Laura Garavalia and popularizer of contemporary cultural achievements Stefano Donno. On the Ukrainian side, Dmitry Chistyak should be noted, who also contributed to the implementation of this project.At the end of July Stefano Donno presented published book in an Italian internet-pulishing: It is noteworthy that the publication is followed by a link to Amazon, where it is possible to purchase the book.The translation of the publication into Ukrainian may be read on the page of the electronic version of the Ukrainian magazine “Vsesvit”. Its editor-in-chief Dmitry Drozdovsky is especially attentive to the creativity of Alexander Korotko. And this is the translation into Russian: ABOUT THE ITALIAN EDITION OF “THE LUNAR BOY” ALEXANDER KOROTKO02.08.2020author: Stefano Donno The publishing house “I Quaderni del Bardo” continues its activity, expanding the horizons of literature in Italy and presenting new authors from other countries of the world, whose works are worth reading taking into account the volume, quality and those narrative reviews that testify to the organic connection of the work with the present day.In this regard, contributing to the dissemination of poetry and literature in general in the world and in our country, the Salentino publishing house “I Quaderni del Bardo Edizioni”, in cooperation with “Casa della Poesia di Como” and its president Laura Garavalia, has been organizing and hold a festival of European poetry in Como (Como il Festival Europeo della Poesia).Thanks to this collaboration, the Italian reader now has the opportunity to discover Alexander Korotko’s novel./Stefano Donno ends his publication with a quote from Andrey Bitov’s Foreword to the first edition of the story/“Temptation, this is what a person is experiencing now, the temptation of fame, money, power. The protagonist bets on love, or rather, on his beloved, not knowing that she was betting on the same, but without leaving the immutable truths. Otherwise… Otherwise it leads to “the profession of the choosen and the privileged – to the profession of solitude.” Freedom and limitless living space of a creative person is an indisputable thing. The prose of Alexander Korotko, which is outside the genre, is interesting for this. It refutes all talk about the death of literature as a civilization, as a culture. “

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