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The Moon Boy translated into Italian

Fiction offers numerous examples ?????when a written thing is “humanized” and it receives its own destiny. Some works live a long happy life, others acquire the status of geniuses, others receive a one-day label, others die “at the table” of the writer, and so on … “The Moon Boy”, who will be twenty soon, suddenly experiences a flare-up of interest among publishers, critics, and, as a result, among readers. The last news on the site was dedicated to the essay by Dmitry Drozdovsky, a Ukrainian critic, literary critic, translator, writer, editor-in-chief of Vsesvit magazine, about “The Moon Boy”. And today’s news is about translating this work into Italian. The translation came from the University of Milan, it was completed by Annarita Tavani, giving her appreciation to the original in the covering letter. Surprisingly, experts define genre of “The Moon Boy” differently. The author of the preface to the first edition, Andrei Bitov, believed that this prose is outside the genre: “At first I’ve decided to name the work that I’ve read a tale, then the suspicion crept into my mind that it was a novel. Neither of the above. Novel and short story at the same time? The genre seems to me as a kind of transformer, acquiring the necessary shape as the plot moves, the conflict develops from the inside. This is exactly what happens in life. But the artistic reality in “The Moon Boy” is much higher than the material reality ”. Dmitry Drozdovsky calls this thing a tale:“ The novel is written in a modern way, it is dynamic … “The Moon boy” is a new example of a philosophical work that shows the unknown sides of the human soul, bizarre manifestations of the subconscious, which is realized in the ability of characters to change reality: both their own and that of another”. Annarita Tavani, under the translated title, designated the genre as a novel. Is an exact definition really necessary? For the author, no. Much more important is not the genre, not the movement of the plot, not other literary attributes, but the internal tension that is transmitted to the reader and makes his soul empathize and “work”. On the home page there are two extracts from the author’s text “The Moon Boy” with translations into Italian for those who read in this language.

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