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«СЫН» в литературной интерпретации Дмитрия Дроздовского

“The Son” is a small literary masterpiece of Alexander Korotko. Written several years ago, it leaves no one indifferent because topic is too serious and text is too piercing in its strength and sincerity. In his article Dmitry Drozdovsky notes the “verbal minimalism” of the work, and analyzes the metaphysical phenomenology of Alexander Korotko in the nature of his work in general and in this example of flash fiction, in particular. The short story, “The Son” has today been added today to the site’s home page. Here is an extract  from an article by Dmitry Drozdovsky in three languages – Ukrainian (original), Russian, English. The full texts are published in the Criticism section of the corresponding versions of the site. The short story “The Son” has a video version based on the author’s reading and amazing illustrations by Anatoly Pickman, subtly conveying the flavour and aroma of a time now consigned to history:

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