
Through the white sheet of winter – the last this year’s poetic selection of the Alexander Korotko’s blog
28 December 2016
A selection of eleven poems of the winter cycle completes the year 2014 of the life of the literary blog of Alexander Korotko. Some poems were published on the author’s Facebook page, others – in the poetic section of the site. All poems are translated into English by Natalia Ogienko, and they are visually accompanied by the beautiful works of Georgian artist Guram Dolendzhashvili. Collected together, winter verses represent one of the pictures of the poet’s living in the coldest and snow-white season of the year, however this is not a traditional landscape lyric. The general heading is a line from the poem “… through the white sheet of winter …” – not just a beautiful poetic image, but an example of how a metaphor, having absorbed several meanings, has become voluminous, has acquired verbal polyphony. This is one of the features of Alexander Korotko’s poetry, which is so vividly represented by the proposed selection. So, Through the white sheet of winter …