Fear is one of the strongest of Man’s emotions, rooted in the prehistoric past. The philosophy of fear was investigated by Aristotle, Descartes, Freud, Kierkegaard, Heidegger, as well as modern experts in various fields – philosophers, psychiatrists and psychologists, art historians, linguists … Dolendi modus, timendi non item – Suffering has a limit, fear is unlimited. So Francis Bacon wrote in his essay ” Of Seditions and Troubles ” as early as 1625. Modern fear has taken total, sometimes terrifying forms, and pierced not only the private life of individuals, but of society too. Fear has the ability to slowly penetrate the soul of a person, a city, a country. The phenomenon of fear has always interested creative people, no matter what art form they practice – painting, music, poetry, prose, treatises … But a trained, strong personality has the right to take fear as his or her subject, and is capable of not leading the viewer, listener or reader into the jungle of the unconscious, but rather helping to overcome the animal finstinct. How? By moving your work to the plane of detachment, not revelling in the details, in a word, to be a philosopher and a healer in your field. On the home page of the site are two poems, both dramatic. One is about the fear experienced by a particular person, rather a subhuman, murderer, driven into a dead end by inevitable retaliation. The second is about a community of people, not free, also driven by the will of dark forces that turn out to be dependent – living in fear. Using accurate means of expression in both cases Alexander Korotko brings the reader face to face with tragedy, but does not engage in moralizing, does not offer recipes. The poet provides an opportunity for everyone to intellectually experience and comprehend the circumstances suggested in their own way, but behind the grimness of the topic, the word is still apparent: “co-experience.”