
Two poems-metaphors
29 October 2018
In the poetic works of Alexander Korotko no need to understand the meaning of “landscape lyrics” in the conventional sense, when the narrative takes precedence. His poems are always a philosophical understanding, associativity, as an incredible metaphorical space. It is surprising that such a figurative and semantic complexity leads to simplicity, acting magically and forcing to respond to the soul of even sophisticated readers. We can find a lot of examples of this in the poetic works of author. However, there is an opinion that quotes “taken” from the context are incorrect and unconvincing, but Alexander Korotko briefly refutes it,  – each of the above lines, torn from his poetic works, has the right to independent existence and allows us to talk about a range of colors, states and poetic novelty. Just a few examples: “бледнолицый воздух”, “бездетный воздух воображения”, “восковое лицо воздуха”, “воздух смешивал краски”, “воздух напоён ликёром улыбок”, “музейный воздух веков”, “слоится воздух в приглушённом свете”, “венецианского стекла разбился воздух”… And finally, a fragment of one of the chapters of the poem “Bakhchisarai”:
Над межсезоньем цвет чернил,
и синие сильнее чёрных
лишь потому, что ветер горный
в ущелье тянет из всех жил
пропитанный восторгом воздух,
который вечность сторожил.
And for today’s publication on the main page two poems are chosen: first  – “Air” – was written three years ago, and the second, in the form of miniatures, was written three days ago.