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Update of the Alexander Korotko’s official website

The website, where you are currently located, is not just a tribute to the modern computer tradition, but a living organism dedicated exclusively to the work of the poet, prose writer, essayist, and author of miniatures, Alexander Korotko. He works extremely hard in the above-mentioned genres, and is constantly growing, experimenting and mastering new literary techniques, while remaining a totally original and unique creative personality. The same thing is true of his website, which, in the author’s footsteps, is being improved, since modern technologies allow this. So, the site is being updated, which will help the visitor better navigate within it and save viewing time, while increasing the chance to see and hear what is most important – the writer’s words. The content available on the site is structured, but there is so much material (Alexander Korotko has been working in literature for almost four decades) that it requires constant updating so as not to get stuck in the past. The poet is an unequivocal innovator, and it is not for nothing that his poetic philosophical credo is contained in the paradoxical title of one of his books: “The Future has returned to the Past.” A team of like-minded people is working on transforming sections and pages. So, another page with the conditional title “Playlist” is about to appear, which will store new audio recordings. The changes will also affect translations of informational, critical texts for the Ukrainian and English versions of the site, not to mention the inclusion of fresh translations of the author’s poetry and prose. But we will not go into details –  you will shortly be able to judge for yourselves. Today on the Home page read Alexander Korotko’s new poetry.

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