
Winter theme in Alexander Korotko’s poetry
9 January 2019
We live in the new 2019. Looking back at the departed, we note that it was for Alexander Korotko extremely productive, eventful – creative successes, meetings with literary co-brothers at large and small events in Ukraine and other countries, where he received titles and awards in the field of prose and poetry. But the main thing for the writer-the release of new books and the emergence of new works, and there were written and published a lot of it in 2018. Alexander Korotko worked not only in the traditional genres of poetry, prose and miniatures, but also for the first time as a translator of poetry (in a free style) from other languages. Site visitors can get information about this from recent news and, by clicking on the links, get acquainted with the new products. Today on the main page are published “winter” poems and one-line, written in different years, but have not lost their frosty freshness.