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A new translation book of Alexander’s Korotko poems was published in Ireland

The poetry collection “Irrazionalismo”, a genre, aesthetic direction of which is contained in the title itself, was published in Dublin, Ireland. Poems translated into English by Anatoly Kudryavitsky, a famous poet, translator, publisher. In the collection of about forty poems, – it figurative content, the unexpectedness of metaphors and the special author’s poetic “cipher” turned out to be close to the translator.Both poets met in September 2018 in Montenegro, participating in the 1st International Poetry Festival. Soon, Anatoly Kudryavitsky translated and published in SurVision Magazine, an international online magazine designed exclusively for surrealist poetry in English, three poems of Alexander Korotko, and then he translated a large collection of poetry, which compiled the translation book. Prior to this, the poems of Alexander Korotko, translated into English by Richard McCain, were published in two languages ​​(“По обе стороны любви” / “Both Sides of Love”). According to the author, the publication of bilingual books is less correct in relation to the translator and can be really useful for those for whom the linguistic aspect is important. For the general reading public, it is much more important not to compare, but to dive into the author’s intention, conveyed professionally and talentedly. So, “Irrazionalismo” is a book for English-speaking readers, but two poems from this collection, that are in the original language and in English, are still posted on the main page of the Russian version of the site.

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