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Alexander Korotko: “In memory of my parents”

There are topics that writers, with rare exceptions, do not pass. This is the place where he was born, childhood, home, yard, and, of course, father and mother. The most sincere, warm and kind memories sooner or later become poems, prose. A lot has been written and published about Alexander’s childhood, his home. For example, this old and little-known (published once – in 1998) poem: * * * Запусти  по  локоть  руку  в свою  память и, зажав в горсти осколки воспоминаний, отправляйся в поход. В знойный полдень всегда найдётся проводник по имени Сон. Если  жёстко  спать, положи  под  голову заглавную  букву Детства. Это и есть твой дом. Он всегда в начале. Alexander Korotko is the author of poems, miniatures, prose, among which are either addressed to parents or dedicated to them, and now to their memory. “Mom, I got lost, like a forest berry,…” («Мама, я, как ягода лесная, заблудился…»)  and “In that part of the city …” («В той части города…» )  – this is from the early, and this is from the recent: “Mom, and there is silence for the rest of your life …” («Мама, а вокруг тишина на всю оставшуюся жизнь…»). A wonderful poignant poem “Mother” was put to music by the composer Inna Pushkar. In her performance the song can be heard here: The original text of this poem is placed on the main page of the site. There is also published a poetic philosophical prose “Son”, which in the author’s performance we offer not only to hear but also to see: The writer Alexander Korotko always includes poems and prose dedicated to his parents in his books. On the adventure of one of the last collections of prose “Bera and Cucumber” placed the words: “This book I dedicate to my parents…”- everything in this book takes place in Odessa, the city of childhood and youth of the author, and mom and dad are invisibly present on many pages of the narrative.

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