The Ukrainian magazine “Vsesvit” (No. 1-2, 2021) published a review of Alexander Korotko book, published in Italy “The Moon Boy” translated by Annarita Tavani: “The Moon Boy”(“Ragazzo di Luna”) of Alexander Korotko in Italian: synergy of images through the reflection of language techniques ”. The author of the review, head of the Italian Philology Department of Mariupol State University, Anna Trifonova, wrote a review of the exactly Italian edition, with numerous citations (using a comparative analysis), in accordance with her professional affiliation. However, focusing on the peculiarities of the translation, Anna Trifonova notes the strengths of the author’s text: “The language of Alexander Korotko’s work combines the standard and the non-standard: the conversational style with its simple lexical and syntactic maneuvers and aesthetic, detailed through the prism of internal perception, original artistic constructions”…
A review of the publication in the journal “Vsesvit” may be read here.