Source of Inspiration for a Musician
Alexander Korotko has never aimed at being a lyricist. But sometimes his poems experienced what usually happens to incomprehensible phenomenon, that makes you empathize, that inflames you, so you read poems again and again to find new colors, to gain insights into the author’s mystery and to unravel it. This is true for those who love good poetry, while an opinion of a professional musician or a composer is different: one artist endeavors to detect the other’s concept inside of his own sphere of composing songs. This is how numerous poems by Alexander Korotko were set to music by Ukrainian and Russian composers; were and are performed by famous singers. You can find some selected songs and complete albums in Supplements/Audio section of this site.

Songs by Inna Pushkar In 1996 Alexander Korotko met Inna Pushkar, a composer from Kiev. Being a person with penetrating mind and gave precise assessments of poems that touched her soul. Their common creative work and friendship were fruitful and efficient. Their creative work lasted over ten years and was interrupted by death of Inna Pushkar. An album with songs, recorded and performed by Inna Pushkar who had a beautiful rich voice, was released. Her bright, sincere and amazingly harmonious vocal expresses the whole palette of feelings, and the music highlights her keen understanding of poetry. Joseph Kobzon: “Changes” In 1997 Joseph Kobzon negotiated with Alexander Korotko and Inna Pushkar at his Moscow office. Shortly afterwards he recorded their song “Changes” for his double album “ Charmed and Enchanted”, which included the best songs from his rich repertoire. * * * Changes, my friend, changes. In that edge of anguish and sorrow Sweet wind fell at a knee And is kissing a darling distance. Domes are gilded as before, January night is silvering. I will sell everything to the last clothing, But I will come back, I will return, I just ask to help me. Field will sleep long under frost. The Sun, the woods, the grace, the birch day. Sweet shiver will not part with the heart. You will not carry anything away, all will remain. The day will be, I under sleepy grass Will fly to my snowy paradise And will bury myself with a hoary head Into your pure soul, my native land. And the pain of parting will be forgotten, I will find my lost trace And will wash with a dew early morning, As if those days didn’t exist.