The ladder did not hold on to the clouds for long.
The wind blew, the ladder fell to the ground.
This is how the railway appeared.
Centuries have passed, and the ladder is still dreaming
to stand to his full gigantic height and,
as in the old days, reach out
to the clouds, where it is so easy to breathe.
The war goes on.The war goes on.War runs.War flies.Today I rememberwith what passionin my childhoodwe…
Yesterday, Oleksandr Korotko received a letter to his personal mail, which mentioned the intention of…
Olexandr Korotko is constantly working on new works, which we regularly publish in the relevant…
* * * Love is bitter by separation, by almonds, a ruined era, November, the…
* * * Is it possible to get tired of many circumstances, of monotonous and…
* * * Every nation and its country has a time of rise, growth and…