“Stumps” of the war
In the late 40s in the streets there were a lot of war veterans-invalids –
with disfigured faces, blind, without hands and legs, but with orders and
medals on their chests. Those, whose injuries were particularly severe,
moved on makeshift wheelchair carts. Invalids sang in carriages, railway
stations, markets and other places of gathering people, begging, drinking …
In 1949, before the celebration of the 70th anniversary of Stalin, it was
decided to push mutilated soldiers, victorious soldiers of Zhukov Army,
to the most remote and inaccessible parts of the country, mostly to abandoned
monasteries so that persons with disabilities couldn’t spoil with their
ugliness flourishing cities of the socialist fatherland. They were gathered
for one night by special outfits of police and security – loaded into the vans
and taken to the “boarding houses of the closed type with a special regime.”
One of such houses was located on the island of Valaam (the northern part
of Lake Ladoga), in the former monastic buildings. About the horrific details
of life of the inhabitants of this postwar reservation there is not much
evidence, but they do exist, no matter how hard “good faith” historians and
publicists tried to hide the facts of unprecedented crimes of the Soviet power
in relation to its own defenders. On Valaam, according to various sources,
were kept up to a thousand of mutilated soldiers, living for a meager allowance,
for who the act of “caring and compassion” turned into a camp hell. Those who
had no arms or legs, they were called Stalin’s “samovars”, were hung for the
whole day on the branches of trees in baskets or grids. Sometimes they were
forgotten to be taken off … Dead heroes were buried, like criminals –
nameless, under the sign with a serial number.
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