Categories: News

Published for the first time – “the freshest»

Alexander Korotko has never written and does not write “on the table”. His works live an active life, it get on the pages of his own books, published in anthologies, almanacs, periodicals, take the form of audio recordings or clips, and with the advent of social networks, it can be seen on the personal pages of the poet on Facebook and blog, as well as on the pages of the site. In addition, prose and poetry are actively translated into different languages and become books – paper and electronic. Of course, some things still remain unprinted, but the phenomenon of Alexander’s Korotko literary baggage is that even his old miniatures, poems do not age at all and metaphors – the main building material” – do not cease to amaze with their uniqueness. In confirmation – a few examples from written at the turn of the century- past and present- but is still in the status of one of the projects for the release of a poetic collection of lyrics of different years. This means that for visitors of the site these unknown verses in one line can be considered “the most recent”. * * * Жизнь вечерела. Скитались дни по городам. Ты пела песни неумело полуистлевшим облакам. Пергаментной начинкой утро меняло облик снов и лет, и таяли, как воск, минуты изголодавшихся побед. * * * Загладить вину, словно кошку погладить по шерсти, вдоль лести несказанных слов, но если душа, как судьба, не на месте, то нечего ставить, мой друг, на любовь. * * * Круглолицее счастье луны – сок лимонный – червивое яблоко алчного цвета, натюрморт в черной раме страны на холсте уходящего лета. Today’s publication of two poems on the main page of the site is priority news, as both are written in recent days. However, the value of everything proposed for reading today is not measured by time, but only by the degree of talent multiplied by professionalism, and the result, are this beautiful works.

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