
THE EVENTS page update
24 June 2021
Alexander Korotko’s poem “STUS” is really an event both for the author and for those who love and understand poetry. According to the composer and old friend of the author Nikolai Svidyuk, “STUS” is a poem of a universal scale. And this is not at all an exaggerated comradely review. Stus is not just a poet of the sixties, a political prisoner, a prisoner of the regime, which history knows a lot of, he is a strong, die-hard personality with deep spirituality, not embittered by fate and the whole world, but remained Human in the highest sense of this word. So he appeared from the pages of the poem of Korotko.The fate and creation of Vasyl Stus, unfortunately, has not yet gained wide international fame, therefore it is extremely important that the poem, written in a short time, was quickly translated by Olga Ilchuk into Ukrainian, and by Michael Pursglove in English, which should expand reading audience, to fulfill not only a poetic, but also a cultural mission.Besides translations, a critical article of Dmitry Drozdovsky appeared and was published on the site, and selected chapters of the poem were published in the newspaper “Literary Ukraine”, to which the reading audience invariably treats with piety. More details can be found in the publication that updated the EVENTS page: