Подмастерье. Книга о творцах
Сборник поэзии Александра Коротко, посвящённый великим творцам: от Пушкина и Лермонтова – до Пикассо и Магритта, от Кафки и Фрейда – до Высоцкого и Нуриева. В сборник также вошла поэма "Париж"...
Памяти Мавзолей
Сборник философско-психологических стихов Александра Коротко о страшных страницах нашей истории (ГУЛАГ, Холокост)...
Книга «Moon Boy» / «Лунный мальчик» в переводе на английский язык
How many remarkable lives there are within us. I went to meet the nocturnal guest. I don't know why, but at the very moment when I opened the door, I felt such warmth and tenderness, felt...
Книга «Ragazzo di luna» / «Лунный мальчик» в переводе на итальянский
Korotko si riferisce alla demenza del tempo in modo trascendente, mentre l’intelligenza e la coscienza sono il frutto di uno sforzo che è necessario compiere: bisogna interrompere il...
Alexander Korotko is a Russian-language Ukrainian poet from Kyiv. Born in Korosten, Ukraine, he studied economics at Odessa University. His first collection, "Window", was published in 1989. Since then he has published more...
Stus, Kindle Edition
A Narrative Poem by poet and writer Alexander Korotko. Tragic story of Ukrainian dissident poet Vasyl Stus, who died in Soviet forced labor camp....
Joseph and Jacob, Kindle Edition
A Narrative Poem by poet and writer Alexander Korotko. This poem tells about the dramatic events that occurred in ancient times in Egypt with Joseph, his brothers, and their father Jacob....
Abraham and Isaac, Kindle Edition
A Long Poem by poet and writer Alexander Korotko. Biblical story of the righteous Abraham, who was ready to sacrifice his beloved son Isaac at the behest of God...
Bera and Cucumber, Kindle Edition
Tales, short stories and essays - Alexander Korotko's prose of the latter decade in a new book with an intriguing title. The action takes place in the Ukrainian city Odessa, where the author spent his childhood and youth. Non-standard plot, elements of ...