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A book was published

Alexander Korotko is the author of the book “Moon boy”, which was first published in 2003. In 2017, the publishing house “Summit-book” reissued it, and earlier this week released “Moon boy” (translated by Vladimir Danilenko). Julia Dvoretskaya translated some fragments of the story and edited the text. Many of Alexander’s Korotko works, written both twenty and thirty years ago, have an amazing fate – they do not age. Poems – like yesterday lay down on a piece of paper, to them it is impossible to apply the term “early poetry”, such a deep philosophical message and metaphors are fresh and full of modern sense. The same thing happened with “Moon Boy”. Absolutely avantgarde thing. Its speech is rich, the plot is clear, and the background “applications” that enhance the psychological portrait, that are presented the state of the heroine on whose behalf the story is told, – are surrealism and mysticism. On the main page you can read two fragments of the story – in Russian and Ukrainian. This is a fine example of the poetic prose of Alexander Korotko.

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