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Alexander Korotko is participant of London Bookfair 2019

For the first time, Ukraine is represented by its publications at the 2019 London Book Fair. Alexander Korotko was invited to take part in events as part of the work of this famous European book fair with the opening of new editions, new names. The Summit-Book Publishing House, with which the writer collaborates, and its founder and director, Ivan Stepurin, placed publications on the stand that presented Ukrainian culture thanks to the best works of contemporary poets and writers. The books aroused great interest primarily among the reading public of the Ukrainian Diaspora in Britain. On March 12, there was an evening presentation of new publications in the Union of Ukrainians in the UK, which were donated to the Library and the Archive of T. Shevchenko in London. Alexander Korotko read his poetry in translations into Ukrainian. On the main page of the site two poems are published, they illustrate his speech. More complete information about the creative trip to London will be presented on the pages of the site later, upon the return of Alexander Korotko to Ukraine.

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