Recently, poetry of Korotko rather quickly, without changing its essence, takes different shapes, different music – sounds in Ukrainian, English, and – unexpectedly – in Chinese. Moreover, 13 new works have been translated into Chinese. All of them are in a special aesthetics that combines philosophy, special metaphorical simplicity, avant-garde lyrics, laconicism. This poetry does not leave the reader indifferent, it bewitches, makes you think, guess the off-screen, encrypted and testifies to the highest level of skill and artistic maturity of the author.
Alexander Korotko began to create a large poetic cycle, which, possibly, will form the basis of a future book. Poems are “tested” on a personal Facebook page (, and translators have the opportunity to start translating a newly created and immediately posted poem on the same day. Thus, literally “off the wheels” the works acquire a new linguistic life. As an example, we offer the original and three versions of one of Korotko’s works translated by Olga Ilchuk (Ukrainian), Nataliya Ogienko (English), Yijin Wang (Chinese).
Пустоты молчаливая
в решето голоса,
и летят
дней игрушечных
в небе памяти
в сторону лета.
И призыв
словно флаг
на ветру,
зазывает и манит
в бухте осени
золотом детства.
Порожнечі безмовна
в решето голоси,
і летять
іграшкових днів
в небі пам’яті
в сторону літа.
І клич
на вітрі,
мов стяг,
закликає і вабить
в бухті осені
золотом мальства.
Silent mole
of emptiness,
voices in a sieve,
and dreams
of toy days
are flying
in the sky of memory
towards the summer.
And a slogan
like a flag
in the wind,
beckons and attracts
in the bay of autumn
by the gold of childhood.
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